Friday, March 27, 2015


Ingredients and tools used to make sandwiches includes onions, garlics, potatoes, eggs, canned sardines, salts, peppers, chillis, mayonnaise, MSG (Maggie Cukup Rasa), white breads, water, pot, heater, knives, chopping board, bowls, plates, spoons, forks, plastic wrapper and scissors.

Steps to make sandwiches are as following. The ingredients are cooked separately. The filling are as follow;

1.    Sardine sandwich.
Firstly, preheat the pot. Then pour in two table spoon of oil and wait for it to be heated. Then put in minced onions and garlics. After those ingredient are carameled, pour in one can of sardines and then pour in half cup of water. Mash the sardines and then add in enough salts and MSG. Add in some chillis to make it spicier. Stir until it becomes drier. Prepare mashed potatoes and add the dried sardine into the mashed potatoes.

2.    Egg mixed with potato sandwich.
First, put in some salt in the water to boil potatoes in the heater. In another heater, boil eggs. After both have cooked, mash both ingredient in a bowl. Add in enough mayonnaise, peppers and MSG.

3.    Potato sandwich.
Firstly, put in some salt in the water to boil potatoes in the heater. It’s the same way with the egg sandwich but without egg. After potatoes have cooked, mash the potatoes and add in enough mayonnaise, peppers and MSG.

The filling were spreaded onto white bread topped with a slice of white bread on top and at the bottom and cut into half. The final product is the three layer sandwich and it’s wrapped with a plastic wrapper.

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